Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Congestion is a growing problem, especially around city centres, and car parking spaces are often limited. Many local areas have introduced a range of parking schemes to help.

Who's responsible for parking

Local traffic authorities (usually local councils) together with private companies are responsible for managing parking.

Managing parking involves:

* creating parking spaces
* operating car parks
* creating controlled parking zones - where parking may be reserved for permit holders or restricted to certain times of day.

Who enforces parking regulations?

This depends on where you live. In many areas, including London, local authorities have the power to enforce parking restrictions. In others, parking is a criminal matter, enforced by the police and dealt with through the magistrates' courts.

Parking restrictions

You must pay for parking in most controlled parking zones and car parks. Parking without paying or exceeding the period allowed means you may be issued with a penalty fine.

There are two types of parking controls:

* restrictive parking - for waiting and loading only
* designated parking - identifies where vehicles can be left and under what conditions and includes residential parking zones

There are also areas where parking or waiting is banned:

* double yellow lines - parking is banned, although there may be specific exceptions for loading
* single yellow lines - parking is banned at specified times
* red routes - a single red line usually bans stopping and parking during working hours, while a double red line bans stopping and parking at any time.

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