Tuesday, May 6, 2008


America's highways, byways, and backroads provide excellent opportunities for exploring our public recreational lands. Maps highlighting points of interest and scenic vistas for road trips are available for and at these sites. For detailed information on a particular site, please contact that site directly. Drive Safely.

What do we mean by Autotouring?

RecML, the recreation standard that is being developed, describes autotouring as: jeep driving, scenic driving, ATV, motorcycle touring, driving touring, road trips, scenic back roads, by-ways, motorcoach touring, bus touring, and trolley touring.

Managing Partner:

Practice Good Stewardship of our Highways and Byways:

You can help to take good care of our scenic highways and byways so that others may enjoy these scenic drives for years to come by practicing some of the following actions:

Don't Litter... take along a trash bag or other receptacle for collecting your trash so that you can deposit it in the proper trash receptacle.

Make sure that you have the correct tires on your vehicle for the type of terrain/byway you will be driving on. In other words, take your snowchains off when the are no longer needed to prevent road damage.

Don't drive an areas where vehicles are not permitted. These areas have been declared "off limits" to vehicles to protect wildlife, vegetation, or for your safety.

Safety While AutoTouring:

* Obey the posted speedlimits
* Wear your seatbelt
* Do not drive on unauthorized trails
* Bring along extra safety items such as water, flashlights, maps, and a cellphone or radio.

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