Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Medical Information for Americans Abroad

If an American citizen becomes seriously ill or injured abroad, a U. S. consular officer can assist in locating appropriate medical services and informing family or friends. If necessary, a consular officer can also assist in the transfer of funds from the United States. However, payment of hospital and other expenses is the responsibility of the traveler.

Before going abroad, learn what medical services your health insurance will cover overseas. If your health insurance policy provides coverage outside the United States, REMEMBER to carry both your insurance policy identity card as proof of such insurance and a claim form. Although many health insurance companies will pay "customary and reasonable" hospital costs abroad, very few will pay for your medical evacuation back to the United States. Medical evacuation can easily cost $10,000 and up, depending on your location and medical condition.


Senior citizens may wish to contact the American Association of Retired Persons for information about foreign medical care coverage with Medicare supplement plans.

To facilitate identification in case of an accident, complete the information page on the inside of your passport providing the name, address and telephone number of someone to be contacted in an emergency.

A traveler going abroad with any pre-existing medical problems should carry a letter from the attending physician, describing the medical condition and any prescription medications, including the generic name of prescribed drugs. Any medications being carried overseas should be left in their original containers and be clearly labeled. Travelers should check with the foreign embassy of the country they are visiting to make sure any required medications are not considered to be illegal narcotics.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

What to Take With You on the Trip, and What to Leave Behind


Don't bring anything you would hate to lose. Leave at home:

Valuable or expensive-looking jewelry

* Irreplaceable family objects
* All unnecessary credit cards
* Social Security card, library card, and similar items that may be in your wallet.

Do bring medical necessities (see the health sections above regarding medications and insurance).

Leave Copies of Documents and Itinerary With Relatives in the U.S

Leave a copy of the itinerary with family or friends at home in case they need to contact you in an emergency.

Make two photocopies of the passport identification page, airline tickets, driver’s license and the credit cards you plan to take. Leave one copy of each with family or friends at home, and pack the other copies separately from the originals. Leave a copy of the serial numbers of your travelers’ checks with a friend or relative at home. Carry your copy with you in a separate place and, as you cash the checks, cross them off the list.

Plan for the Unexpected

Take with you items that you will need if your trip is unexpectedly extended. These items may include extra money or medications.

Monday, April 28, 2008

ShenNong travels the culture

Shennongjia in the same age-old mystery of the forests, sediments with the same mystery of the ancient culture. Appealing to the Shennongjia culture as a dredge wine bottles, incense drifting apart, enchanting tinnitus, the cause heart Tour. Shennongjia culture distinct from other parts of the culture notable features: This is the oldest forest characteristics. Both retained the original obvious traces of ancient culture, but also has a strong geographical features mountains. Its regional cultural characteristics are as rare in the Asian cultural circle-alpine mountain original cultural environment with communities.
Shennongjia forest area in the Shennongjia folklore culture is an important component. Precious Han ethnic epics, a beautiful lyrical folk songs, legends gorgeous, Shennongjia constitute a treasure trove of folk literature, as well as the last century before the ancient culture of Shennongjia sealed in a powerful witness.
Han ethnic mythology epic "Dark" by the discovery of the myth of China scholars and Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Austria, Denmark Sinologist the great attention and enthusiasm evaluation. This long line of more than 3,000 Epic songbook record of the ancient Han ethnic Mythology. Myth by our experts to determine Mr. Yuan Ke Han ethnic broad epic myth is very valuable historical information. "Dark" for the preservation, Shennongjia is revered ancient ancestors epoch-making hero singing results. Myth as they realized it was true knowledge of history, down from generation to generation song. Some old singer "Dark" The Bible manuscripts, as a family heirloom to be collector, and never show them to anyone. The Shennongjia, "Darkness" into a coffin for burial before death or buried in the ground for future generations do not know what common. "Dark" The discovery of ancient Chinese mythology is found, breaking the myth of ethnic Han no epic conclusion, the Chinese Mythology and the Chu culture and has a very important value, Shennongjia has also become the treasure house of folk literature of the most dazzling pearl.
Shennongjia form of folk singing, music and language arts color is very ancient and rich. Many folk-art calendars is not bad, as people in cultural life in Shennongjia an important component, which radiates with Gutu brilliant brilliant culture. Decoding song vocally, sprightly music; the popular wedding songs, a lot of fun too; Funeral song sounds simple, rugged desolation; Civil Minor lyrical bar, warm sincere.
Tang Shennongjia existing theater is a very old local troupes, performing at the venue smaller farmers generally appear in the house shows, the newspaper Opera. Most of the repertoire of legends costume drama, folk artists have Directed by modern drama. Concert style typical local characteristics and rich country flavor.
Shennongjia historical and cultural relics can rarely find. The net Yang Lin Monastery, nine days dashing concept Temple, the rosin Bai Yun Yan Ping, Guanyinge only vaguely identified in ruins. But Walled Lanying, such as pine Walled Fort explore to the lake and the nine ancient battlefield is preserved intact. In 1985 the Red Ping, Liu Walled entitlements have found two stone over the protection of forests. Hung Ping forest stand by palo Ping Xigou days cave door on the old rock, the inscription about one meter square on the eastern "No mountains," the four characters inscribed money for the first year of the Tongzhi, which was more than a 100 years. Palo remain a separate entitlements Walled Liu south of a new avenue named Shuibuya cliff on the peaks and ridges, the inscription of 83 cm long, 55 cm wide, 13 years carved Emperor Guangxu (1887), on the eastern "No stone and wood," the four characters. These two ancient stone tablet is Shennongjia forest protection "double-wall rock."
Shennongjia quaint customs, folk peculiar. Some farmers in the door, often hung a moment, the face of the ferocious mask carvings, known as the "swallowing mouth." In southern Shan, the owner often warm reception to the guests, known as the "cold drink wine"; Northern Shan has set the hospitality of liquor regulations. Mountain people love to smoke, each equipped with a dry-smoked tobacco bags, about one meter long, is known as the "pipe." Village women love scarves wrapped around, sometimes wrapped around the head scarf up a few 10.
Shennongjia Cultural Ecology of its well-preserved natural ecological contains the same great value since they have long lasting charm. Its unique cultural personality, rich cultural background, and her back contains the real value of the resources, carrying the stable long-term economic development possibilities and give Shennongjia a genuine peace and happiness commitments.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Travelling to Sydney

Sydney in Australia is a beautiful place in the world. Sydney’s most popular nightspots are Kings’ Cross, Oxford Street and The Rocks. These places contains many bars, nightclups and restaurants. Also,the most popular sports in Australia is Rugby Leauge. This sport has been brought from England to Australia.

Sydney is one of the modern places in the world. If you wish to visit Sydney and trying to find cheap accommodation. You can see Sydney Hotels here. Also, sometimes it is possible to benefit from hotel discounts.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

World-Information City Bangalore

"The globalized IT industry in India is an international island of privilege in a sea of local despair", said Indian writer and critic Arundathi Roy at the World-Information City conference, the concluding session of a one-week programme of events that took place at Bangalore 14 - 20 November, 2005. Speaking a short distance away from Bangalore's IT corridors, Roy stressed the parallels between the technologies of the colonial period, roads and railways, and the contemporary expansion of IT into the rural areas. Corporatization of agriculture, public subsidies for the IT industry, slum clearance and biopiracy combine into a scenario of extreme violence: "Since 1994 something like 26,000 farmers have committed suicide. And in cities such as Mumbai and Delhi, 400,000 people will simply be evicted over night".

Surveillance expert David Lyon views Bangalore call centers as the sites of "social sorting", the automatized hierarchisation of social standing according to criteria of profit generation, as in database marketing. Clouded by a rhetoric of service and privacy, political accountability is being eroded by invisible streams of data.

However, as Bangalore-based feminist and historian Lata Mani pointed out, "The logic of capitalist globalisation is not the only logic at play. The sheer magnitude of the cultural and class difference between the smash and grab globalisers, and their culturally Other neighbours who vastly outnumber them make the former dependent on the hospitality of the latter" - a statement that finds an empirical grounding in Solly Benjamin's work on urban land conflicts, also presented at the conference.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Online Travel Itineraries

As our list of Travel Itineraries grows, the historic destinations you can visit online or in person are virtually endless! Each itinerary is a self-guided tour to historic places listed in the National Register. Spotlighting different geographic regions and themes across the country, National Register Travel Itineraries expose you to a huge variety of places significant in American history, architecture, archeology, engineering, and culture. National Register Travel Itineraries can help you plan your next trip!

Each itinerary provides:
* Descriptions of each historic place and its importance in American history, plus contextual essays
* Tourist information for historic places open to the public including hours of operation, tour possibilities, phone numbers, and website links
* Interactive maps
* Color and vintage photographs
* Links to related preservation and tourism web sites

Monday, April 21, 2008


Currently, Canadian citizens need proof of both their identity and citizenship in order to apply for entry into the U.S. To learn more about document requirements to enter the U.S., see Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI). For complete details about the new travel requirements under WHTI, review the Customs and Border Protection website.

Citizens of Canada traveling to the U.S. do not require a nonimmigrant visa, except for the purposes as described below.

* Foreign government officials (A), officials and employees of international organizations (G) and NATO officials, representatives and employees assigned to the U.S. as needed to facilitate their travel.
* Treaty traders (E-1)
* Treaty investors (E-2)
* Fiance/es (K-1)
* Children of fiancées (K-2)
* U.S. citizen's foreign citizen spouse, who is traveling to the U.S. to complete the process of immigration (K-3).
* Children of a foreign citizen spouse (K-4) described above
* Spouses of lawful permanent residents (V-1) traveling to the U.S. to reside here while they wait for the final completion of their immigration process
* Children of spouses of lawful permanent residents (V-2) described above

Permanent residents (aka landed immigrants) of Canada must have a nonimmigrant visa unless the permanent resident is a national of a country that participates in the Visa Waiver Program (VWP), meets the VWP requirements, and is seeking to enter the U.S. for 90 days or less under that program.

Additional resources regarding procedures for Canadian visitors to the United States can be found on the U.S. Embassy and Consulate websites in Canada. Learn more about requirements for Canadian citizens planning business travel to the U.S.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Benefits of Sport Pilot to CFIs

EAA knew that the first step in aviation, the private pilot license, was the most difficult step. With drop out rates exceeding 50%, we knew that aviation needed a different approach to becoming a pilot. While the number of active private pilots has declined by almost 30% since 1984 and active student pilots had declined by 42%, EAA recognized that other recreational activities, like motorcycling, have exploded over the same time period. How can this be when learning to fly and being a pilot is such an exhilarating, life changing activity? We determined the root causes were time and money and set about doing something about both.

EAA worked with FAA and industry for over 10 years to create the Sport Pilot/Light Sport Aircraft rule. Flight training was simply too time consuming and too expensive. Sport pilot solves the time/money issue by creating a basic, entry level pilot certificate that is not bogged down with training people for things they may never use while not jeopardizing safety. The result is a pilot certificate that is half the time commitment and half the cost of a private pilot certificate. Based on the initial response to Sport Pilot, we are convinced that aviation now has the opportunity to grow and be competitive with other recreational actives.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Marriage abroad

The legal paperwork you need to complete for an overseas wedding can be confusing. Fortunately we can help you to get the documents you need.

The local British embassy’s website has specific info and the marriage and civil partnerships abroad page has useful advice.

You should always contact a lawyer in the UK and the local authorities abroad. - list of foreign embassies in the UK

What documents do I need to get married abroad?

To find out exactly what you need to get married overseas, you will need to contact the authorities of the relevant country. - list of foreign embassies in the UK

You might also have to exchange the UK CNI for a Consular CNI at the embassy. The CNI and other documents may also need legalising the UK Legalisation Office.

* if you’re marrying an Irish national you must obtain a CNI from the FCO office in London or the local consulate
* if you’re marrying in Italy you need to obtain a specific form, a Nulla Osta (an Italian CNI) from the nearest British consulate
* if you’re marrying in France you may need a Certificate of Custom Law - consult the local Mairie for more info

If I get married abroad will my marriage be legal in the UK?

You should consult a lawyer to check as sometimes marriages conducted in other countries aren’t recognised in the UK.

Can I get a British marriage certificate if I marry abroad?

No, you will get a certificate of marriage from the country you marry in.

Can I register an overseas marriage in the UK when I return?

No, but you can have your marriage documents deposited with the General Register Office (GRO).

This isn’t compulsory, but it means your marriage certificate is kept by the GRO as an official record and you will be able to easily get copies of it in the future.We can deposit marriage documents for you.

Can my foreign partner get a British passport once we’re married?

If you and your partner settle in the UK after marriage your partner can apply for naturalisation after three years. The Nationality Directorate of the UK Border Agency can provide more information on this.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

International Travel Information

What Are Travel Warnings, Country exact Information & Travel Alerts?

Travel Warnings

Travel Warnings are issued when the State Department decides based on all related information, to recommend that Americans avoid travel to a certain country. Countries where prevention of travel is recommended will have Travel Warnings as well as Country Specific Information. You may also want to review specific country Background Notes.

Travel Alerts

Travel Alerts are a means to distribute information about terrorist threats and other relatively short-term and/or trans-national conditions posing significant risks to the security of American travelers. The TAs is made when there is a specific threat that cannot be countered. In the past, Travel Alerts have been issued to deal with short-term coups, violence by terrorists and anniversary dates of specific terrorist events.

Country Specific Information

Country Specific Information is available for every country of the world. They include such information as location of the U.S. embassy or consulate in the subject country, unusual immigration practices, health conditions, minor political conflict, unusual currency and entry regulations, crime and security information, and drug penalties. If an unstable condition exists in a country that is not severe enough to warrant a Travel Warning, a description of the condition(s) may be included under an optional section entitled "Safety/Security."On limited occasions, we also restate in this section any U.S. embassy advice given to official employees. Country Specific Information generally does not include advice, but present information in a factual manner so the traveler can make his or her own decisions concerning travel to a particular country.

Country Background Notes

If you are looking for information on any of the U.S. territories and possessions, such as the U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Guam or American Samoa, you can go to the CIA Fact book.

In addition, please see the section "Tips for Traveling Abroad" for other important health and safety information. Also, stay current with current information by visiting our "News" section.

Women travellers

Travelling alone or with a couple of female friends can be a great experience. Unfortunately women travellers can be targeted by criminals. Know how to avoid trouble.2 young women travellers in Australia. © Digital Vision/Getty Images

When you’re out and about

* think about how your clothing will fit in with local customs – what are local women wearing?
* don’t wear expensive jewellery
* wear a wedding ring (even if you don’t normally) to help avoid harassment
* be wary of new ‘friends’, even if they are fellow holidaymakers
* don’t tell strangers where you are staying or give out too many details about your travel plans
* if you’re travelling alone you may attract unwelcome attention and you may receive unwelcome propositions or remarks – it is usually best to ignore them
* act confidently
* plan your daily itinerary - know where you’re going, what you’re doing and how to get back
* some hotel and hostels have cards with contact details and directions – take one
* never hitchhike or accept car rides from strangers
* ask your hotel or hostel to recommend a taxi firm – try to pair up with someone you know when travelling by taxi

If you ever feel uncomfortable or in danger, don’t be afraid to draw attention to yourself by shouting and making a fuss.
In English-speaking countries you may receive more attention if you shout ‘fire!’ rather than ‘help!’

Going out at night

* always tell someone where you are going and when you expect to return
* be cautious of people who ignore your personal space, do not listen to you, make you feel guilty if you resist their advances or appear drunk
* carefully consider whether you should leave the pub, club or party with someone you have just met

Drug-assisted rape or ‘date’ rape

Unfortunately, drugs are increasingly being used in rape.

Once someone has added drugs to your drink, you won’t normally be able to detect them. Rape drugs can also work in non-alcoholic drinks, such as coffee and tea.

They are normally colourless and tasteless, and can make you virtually unconscious and defenceless.

Never leave drinks unattended and its best not to accept drinks from strangers.

If you begin to feel strange, sick or drunk after only a couple of drinks tell a trusted friend. They should take you to a safe place, such as your hotel room.

If you are alone, phone the local police, a hospital or the British Consulate. And always try to drink responsibly - alcohol is the most frequently used drug in drug-assisted rape.

Stay safe in your hotel or hostel

* only use your first initial and no title (‘Miss’, ‘Ms’ or ‘Mrs’) when checking in
* never leave your key where someone can note your room number
* don’t leave your window open, especially if your room is on the ground floor or has a balcony
* remember to lock your room door even when you are inside the room
* use a door wedge on the inside of your hotel room door for extra security
* if the door has a spy-hole or chain, use these before opening the door to unexpected visitors.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Lost or Stolen Passports

In order to protect yourself from identity fraud it is important to report a lost or stolen valid passport immediately!

For Lost or stolen passports Overseas, please contact the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate

How to Report and Replace a Lost or Stolen Passport in the U.S.

There are two steps required to get a new passport. First, you must report your valid passport lost or stolen immediately. This is required of anyone who loses or has a passport stolen. The second step is to replace your passport. Both steps and forms required are described below.
To Report a Lost or Stolen Passport:

* Fill in as much of the passport information as you can.
* Answer all the other questions in detail.
* Sign and submit above Form DS-64, Statement Regarding a Lost or Stolen Passport, to:

Do not mail your new passport application to this address. In order to obtain a new passport you must appear in person at a Passport Agency or Acceptance Facility as outlined below.


* If your still valid passport was lost or stolen, please submit the DS-64 form with the DS-11 application when you apply for a replacement at a Passport Agency or Acceptance Facility. NOTE: You must appear in person.
* The information you provide on the DS-64, Statement Regarding a Lost or Stolen Passport will be entered in our Consular Lost/Stolen Passport System.
* Passports reported lost or stolen are invalidated and can no longer be used for travel.
* If you recover the passport after you have reported it lost or stolen, please submit it to the address listed above. When you submit it, if requested - we will cancel it and return it to you. If not requested, it will be destroyed.
* Once a passport is reported lost or stolen, it cannot be re-validated.

You must appear in person at a Passport Agency or Acceptance Facility.

Complete Question #18 as follows:

* Write your name as it appeared in your passport.
* Write the approximate date of issue.
* Include the passport number if known.
* Under "DISPOSITION", mark the appropriate box.
* If your passport was expired, write "EXPIRED" next to the "OTHER" box.

Submit your form:

* To a passport acceptance facility.
* You will also need photos, documentation and fees. See How to Apply in Person.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Travelling abroad for medical treatment

It’s important to know the risks if you are thinking of traveling abroad for medical treatment.

Standards of medical in some countries may not be the same as those in the UK.

Emergency facilities may not be available. And in some countries there may be a risk of transmission of HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C during medical procedures.

Before you go

Discuss pre-existing conditions with your doctor. Check the airline will allow you to travel. And consider the impact long distance travel will have on your health.

You should find out as much information as possible about the hospital before you make a decision. This should include:

  1. qualifications and experience of staff
  2. mortality rates
  3. success rates of the surgeon/doctor who will carry out the operation/treatment
  4. infection rates
  5. arrangements for follow up care

Consider a private consultation with a doctor in the UK who may be able to recommend overseas practitioners.

Costs, liabilities and insurance

Remember, it’s your responsibility if something goes wrong during or after the treatment. If there are extra costs you’ll have to pay them. We can’t cover these for you.
So make sure you have enough to cover the price you are quoted and any emergency costs.

Make sure you have a written contract with the hospital. This should clearly outline what is and isn’t covered by the fee you have been quoted.

You may be charged for basic provisions such as soap, towels and bed sheets.

In some countries nursing care is not routinely available and friends and family are expected to provide care. Ensure the contract also sets out the arrangements for making complaints.

Be sure who is covering the cost of the following:

  1. additional medical or emergency treatment in case of complications
  2. medicines and dressings
  3. an extended stay for any friends or family accompanying you
  4. medical repatriation to the UK
  5. correctional treatment in the UK
  6. any follow-up treatment that is required

Standard travel insurance is unlikely to cover any extra costs as a result of medical treatment abroad. Be honest with your insurance company about your plans and tell them about existing medical conditions.

Our staff will not visit you while you are in hospital but may be able to assist if things go wrong. Make sure you have the number of the nearest embassy.

Friday, April 11, 2008


The Passport Services Office provides information and services to American citizens about how to obtain, replace or change a passport.

A passport is an internationally recognized travel document that verifies the identity and nationality of the bearer. A valid U.S. passport is required to enter and leave most foreign countries. Only the U.S. Department of State has the authority to grant, issue or verify United States passports.

New Application for a U.S. Passport

To obtain a passport for the first time, you need to go in person to one of over 9,000 passport acceptance facilities located throughout the United States with two photographs of yourself, proof of U.S. citizenship, and a valid form of photo identification such as a driver’s license.

Acceptance facilities include many Federal, state and probate courts, post offices, some public libraries and a number of county and municipal offices. There are also 13 regional passport agencies, and 1 Gateway City Agency, which serve customers who are traveling within 2 weeks (14 days), or who need foreign visas for travel. Appointments are required in such cases.

You’ll need to apply in person if you are applying for a U.S. passport for the first time: if your expired U.S. passport is not in your possession; if your previous U.S. passport has expired and was issued more than 15 years ago; if your previous U.S. passport was issued when you were under age 16; or if your currently valid U.S. passport has been lost or stolen.

Renewal of a U.S. Passport

You can renew by mail if: Your most recent passport is available to submit and it is not damaged; you received the passport within the past 15 years; you were over age 16 when it was issued; you still have the same name, or can legally document your name change.

You can get a passport renewal application form by downloading it from this site.

If your passport has been, altered or damaged, you cannot apply by mail. You must apply in person.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Plan Your Visit

Plan your visit to Grand Teton National Park. The park is open year-round with a mixture of things to see and do in all seasons. Find everything you need to know about trip planning here.


Route suggestions from Salt Lake City and Denver, shuttle service information, and a list of nearby airports.

Operating Hours & Seasons

Find out about visitor facilities, hours and seasons of operation, and services accessible.

Fees & Reservations

Find out about entrance fees for winter and summer seasons, profitable and wedding permits, and back country reservations.

Things to Do

Learn about outdoor behavior, concession-operated services and guided trips, nearby attractions such as national parks, USDA Forest Service lands, and the National Elk Refuge, guided ranger tours, and places to go, which includes campground information.

Things to Know Before You Come

Plan a safe visit to Grand Teton National Park, explore accommodation opportunities, learn about weather in Jackson Hole, pet regulations, accessibility resources, roads information, and view both the winter and summer trip planners.


There are many flyer's available for your trip planning and to help you learn about park resources. Brochures are also available in Spanish.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Tips for Traveling Abroad

For complete information about steps you can take to make sure a safe trip, see How to Have a Safe Trip. Meanwhile, here are some quick tips to make your travel easier and safer:

Register so the State Department can better assist you in an emergency: Register your travel plans with the State Department through a free online service at This will help us contact you if there is a family emergency in the U.S., or if there is a crisis where you are traveling. In agreement with the Privacy Act, information on your interests and whereabouts will not be released to others without your express agreement.

Sign passport, and fill in the crisis information: Make sure you have a signed, valid passport, and a visa, if required, and fill in the emergency information page of your passport.

Leave copies of itinerary and passport data page: Leave copies of your itinerary, passport data page and visas with family or friends, so you can be contacted in case of an emergency.

Check your overseas medical insurance reporting: Ask your medical insurance company if your policy applies overseas, and if it covers emergency expenses such as medical evacuation. If it does not, consider supplemental insurance.

Familiarize yourself with local conditions and laws: While in a foreign country, you are subject to its laws. The State Department web site at has useful safety and other information about the countries you will visit.

Take precautions to avoid being a target of crime: To avoid being a target of crime, do not wear obvious clothing or jewelry and do not carry excessive amounts of money. Also, do not leave unattended baggage in public areas and do not accept packages from strangers.

Contact us in an emergency: Consular employees at U.S. Embassies and Consulates abroad and in the U.S. are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to provide emergency assistance to U.S. citizens. Contact information for U.S. Embassies and Consulates appears on the Bureau of Consular Affairs website at

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Best Value tours India

Allindiatourpackages – Your trusted & experienced tour operators in India brings to you some excellent and best value tour packages to India those are very famous among tourist coming to India every year.

Golden triangle Tour, palace on wheels, South India, north India Tours with Taj Mahal, Rajasthan with heritage & yoga with meditation tour packages.

Choose the theme here and ask us for the best quote for you.

Rajasthan, the capital and the third largest city of India is a fusion of the ancient and the modern.

Standing along the West End of Gangetic Plain, the capital city, Delhi, unwinds a picture rich with culture, architecture and human diversity, deep in history, monuments, museums, galleries, gardens and exotic shows. Comprising of two contrasting yet harmonious parts, the Old Delhi and New Delhi, the city is a travel hub of Northern India.

Narrating the city’s Mughal past, Old Delhi, takes you through the labyrinthine streets passing through formidable mosques, monuments and forts. You will also discover lively and colorful bazaars that boast to cater all sorts of good and items at mind-blowing prices amidst a barely controlled chaotic ambience.

Friday, April 4, 2008

International Travel Information

Travel Warnings

Travel Warnings are issued when the State Department decides, based on all relevant information, to recommend that Americans avoid travel to a certain country. Countries where avoidance of travel is recommended will have Travel Warnings as well as Country Specific Information.

Travel Alerts

Travel Alerts are a means to disseminate information about terrorist threats and other relatively short-term and/or trans-national conditions posing significant risks to the security of American travelers. The TAs are made when there is a specific threat that cannot be countered. In the past, Travel Alerts have been issued to deal with short-term coups, violence by terrorists and anniversary dates of specific terrorist events.

Country Specific Information

Country Specific Information are available for every country of the world. They include such information as location of the U.S. embassy or consulate in the subject country, unusual immigration practices, health conditions, minor political disturbances, unusual currency and entry regulations, crime and security information, and drug penalties. If an unstable condition exists in a country that is not severe enough to warrant a Travel Warning, a description of the condition(s) may be included under an optional section entitled "Safety/Security."On limited occasions, we also restate in this section any U.S. embassy advice given to official employees. Country Specific Information generally do not include advice, but present information in a factual manner so the traveler can make his or her own decisions concerning travel to a particular country.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Preparing for Your Trip Abroad

Apply early for your passport and, if necessary, any visas: Passports are required to enter and/or depart most countries around the world. Apply for a passport as soon as possible. Some countries also require U.S. citizens to obtain visas before entering. Most countries require visitors who are planning to study or work abroad to obtain visas before entering. Check with the embassy of the foreign country that you are planning to visit for up-to-date visa and other entry requirements. (Passport and visa information is available on the Internet at .)

Learn about the countries that you plan to visit. Before departing, take the time to do some research about the people and their culture, and any problems that the country is experiencing that may affect your travel plans. The Department of State publishes Background Notes on about 170 countries. These brief, factual pamphlets contain information on each country''s culture, history, geography, economy, government, and current political situation. Background Notes are available at .

Read the Country Specific Information. Country Specific Information provide up-to-date travel information on any country in the world that you plan to visit. They cover topics such as entry regulations, the crime and security situation, drug penalties, road conditions, and the location of the U.S. embassy, consulates, and consular agencies.

Check for Travel Warnings and Travel Alerts. Travel Warnings recommend U.S. citizens defer travel to a country because of dangerous conditions. Travel Alerts provide fast-breaking information about relatively short-term conditions that may pose risks to the security of travelers.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Dual Nationality

The concept of dual nationality means that a person is a citizen of two countries at the same time. Each country has its own citizenship laws based on its own policy.Persons may have dual nationality by automatic operation of different laws rather than by choice. For example, a child born in a foreign country to U.S. citizen parents may be both a U.S. citizen and a citizen of the country of birth.

A U.S. citizen may acquire foreign citizenship by marriage, or a person naturalized as a U.S. citizen may not lose the citizenship of the country of birth.U.S. law does not mention dual nationality or require a person to choose one citizenship or another. Also, a person who is automatically granted another citizenship does not risk losing U.S. citizenship. However, a person who acquires a foreign citizenship by applying for it may lose U.S. citizenship. In order to lose U.S. citizenship, the law requires that the person must apply for the foreign citizenship voluntarily, by free choice, and with the intention to give up U.S. citizenship.

Intent can be shown by the person's statements or conduct.The U.S. Government recognizes that dual nationality exists but does not encourage it as a matter of policy because of the problems it may cause. Claims of other countries on dual national U.S. citizens may conflict with U.S. law, and dual nationality may limit U.S. Government efforts to assist citizens abroad. The country where a dual national is located generally has a stronger claim to that person's allegiance.

However, dual nationals owe allegiance to both the United States and the foreign country. They are required to obey the laws of both countries. Either country has the right to enforce its laws, particularly if the person later travels there.Most U.S. citizens, including dual nationals, must use a U.S. passport to enter and leave the United States. Dual nationals may also be required by the foreign country to use its passport to enter and leave that country. Use of the foreign passport does not endanger U.S. citizenship.Most countries permit a person to renounce or otherwise lose citizenship.

Information on losing foreign citizenship can be obtained from the foreign country's embassy and consulates in the United States. Americans can renounce U.S. citizenship in the proper form at U.S. embassies and consulates abroad.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Virtual Tours

Whether you want to relive a previous visit to Acadia, or you've never been to the park and want to get an idea of what it's like, a virtual tour is the way to go. Virtual tours offer a taste of the wonders of Acadia—the sounds of birds calling and waves crashing along rocky shores, the sights of pink-hued granite mountains at sunrise and seals basking on ledges.

You control your experience within our virtual tours, choosing from 360-degree panoramas, videos, pictures, and sounds. All these options come with a price, however—large file size. High-speed Internet access is recommended for viewing the full version of our virtual tours, which may take some time to download. You will also need to have two free plug-ins installed on your computer—QuickTime and Flash Player. Dial-up versions of virtual tours are designed for anyone with a slower (dial-up) connection.