Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Virtual Tours

Whether you want to relive a previous visit to Acadia, or you've never been to the park and want to get an idea of what it's like, a virtual tour is the way to go. Virtual tours offer a taste of the wonders of Acadia—the sounds of birds calling and waves crashing along rocky shores, the sights of pink-hued granite mountains at sunrise and seals basking on ledges.

You control your experience within our virtual tours, choosing from 360-degree panoramas, videos, pictures, and sounds. All these options come with a price, however—large file size. High-speed Internet access is recommended for viewing the full version of our virtual tours, which may take some time to download. You will also need to have two free plug-ins installed on your computer—QuickTime and Flash Player. Dial-up versions of virtual tours are designed for anyone with a slower (dial-up) connection.

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