Monday, August 11, 2008

Eat and drink safely

Many people suffer from an upset stomach or diarrhoea because of something they have eaten or drunk while San Francisco Travel.
In San Fran Tours, more seriously, cholera, typhoid and hepatitis can be contracted from contaminated food and water.

Don’t get ill
  • always wash your hands after going to the toilet, before handling food and before eating
  • use bottled water if you have any doubts about the quality of the water.
  • Check the seals are unbroken boil water or filter it using a water 'purifier' – this is more effective than sterilisation tablets
  • eat fresh, thoroughly cooked food that is still piping hot in san Francisco family vacation. avoid food that has been kept warm
You should avoid

  • Try to avoid ice used in drinks and used to keep food cool, unless you’re sure it is made from treated or chlorinated water, when you visit San Francisco
  • uncooked fruit and vegetables, unless you can peel them yourself food exposed to flies ice cream from unreliable sources, such as kiosks or mobile traders
  • milk, cheese and other dairy products unless they are pasteurised and have been properly refrigerated
  • undercooked or raw seafood or shellfish
  • excessive amounts of alcohol

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