Monday, November 29, 2010

Top artistic must-sees in Tallinn

Home inhabitants recommended their favorite cultural spots in the Estonian capital.
Saint Olav's Church

This 12th-century church, at the end of Pikk Street, is the most beautiful in Tallinn. It's also the most unlucky: it has been hit by lightening at least eight times, and burned down three times. Once the tallest structure in the world, its 124m spire can been seen from all over the city. Climb the narrow stairs to the observation deck at the base of the spire for sweeping views.

Kiek in de Kök

The museum inside this great artillery tower (whose name means "peep into the kitchen" in Low German because from the upper floors soldiers could peer into the houses of the lower town) is interesting, but don't miss a guided tour of its limestone bastion passages, which reopened in March with new video and sound effects. Built to conceal the movement of soldiers, the 500m of passages (half are still being dug out) were used as a bomb shelter during the 1944 Soviet bombings, and inhabited by a large community of homeless people in the 1990s.

Old Town

Katariina Käik (St Catherine's Passage) in the Old Town, lined with craftsmen's workshops, is a favorite for many visitors, but I love Pikk Jalg, or "Long Leg" (there is also a short, steep alley called Lühige Jalg, or Short Leg), which winds up to Toompea Hill. Stop on the way for coffee and a croissant at Bonaparte, a charming French bistro (Pikk 45). At Toompea Hill are the Great Russian Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, St Mary's Cathedral (the oldest church in Estonia, founded in 1219) and several viewing platforms, where you can see over red-tiled roofs to the Baltic Sea.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Perth Zoo in western Australian best Tourist spot

A fun place to spend the tour with their families is Perth Zoo in western Australian. However, most people do not think of these places as great tourist attractions. Sure they bring in the locals, but do people really travel all over the world to visit certain zoos? Well apparently some zoos are great enough to actually bring in a lot of tourists, like the Perth Zoo.

Just recently, the Perth Zoo was named as a top attraction in Western Australia. It was named as a top attraction during the Western Australian Tourism Awards. Out of the tons of people that are planning to vacation in Perth, many of them already had plans to visit the zoo. In fact, for some this was the main reason to come to Perth in the first place. This is one of the only places that can actually say that its zoo brings in international tourists.

Tourism Council Western Australia’s chief executive officer, Graham Moss, explained that the awards had seen a substantial increase in the number of nominations for eco categories. This is largely due to an increase in demand from tourists looking for a greener holiday experience.

He went on to add that the standard of submissions were especially high this year. In fact, this positions Western Australia for success in the Qantas Australian Tourism Awards, which will be held on March 11, 2011 in Perth.

Perth Zoo first opened back in 1896. Ever since then the zoo has done nothing but grow. It is known around the world as being one of the best zoos to visit. Overall, it is now one of the key attractions in Perth.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Insider Secrets to Cheap Flights - Downsized Agent Reveals All

It makes me ANGRY every time I hear how much flyers just like you pay for their flights. Finally the truth will be revealed in my whistle blowing new guide. Using my secret techniques you will be able to fly where you want when you want without breaking the bank.

The airlines have made threats and demanded that their dirty little secrets never be made public, but I have fought to keep my guide available to weary consumers. You owe it to yourself to grab a copy of my guide while it is still available and stop paying too much for all your flights.

"If you are planning a vacation, wish you could visit distant family or just want to see the world then my guide is for you. I give you all the essentials on how to get Extremely Cheap Flights, tell you the scams to avoid and reveal all of the biggest money saving and confidential insider secrets the airlines have threatened me to keep silent about..."

The Shamefully Greedy Airlines...

It doesn't matter if you call on the phone, go online to a discount travel site or use your local travel agent, the whole system is designed to get you to pay more for your flights than is fair.

The airlines work tirelessly to come up with new ways to extract the most money they can from you. The schemes they employ against their own customers sound like they were designed by organized crime.

With so many new fees, horrible service and no extras, you are paying way more and getting way less. Now they even want you to pay for your bags to come with you! There is not limit to how far the airlines will reach into your pocket.

I am ashamed to say that I know all of this because I used to be a part of the airline's crooked system...

Downsized Without Warning...

I gave my heart and soul to my company for 9 years. I always did my best to be a good employee and serve the customer as honestly and fairly as I knew how. I was working my way up, and had just went to a leadership conference two months before the bad news came down.

I went out to lunch on a beautiful spring day and when I got back, my job had literally been shipped overseas. The corporate jerks didn't even give me the common courtesy of a notice that I was going to be terminated.

The official story was that our center was being closed in order to boost the company's sagging stock price. The real story is so much more devious that it still blows my mind to even think about it today.

My boss and good friend Jeff told me "off the record" the real reason why so many of us had lost our jobs that day. The company had determined that we were too easy on customers, and weren't milking them for all there were worth!

They decided to move our jobs overseas, where they could better control the systematic ripping off of their customers. I literally could not believe this was happening. It was in that instant that I knew what I had to do..

Time To Spill My Guts About The Airline's Dirty Tricks...

That afternoon as soon as I got home I began frantically writing down all the inside information I had learned in my time working for the airlines, while it was still fresh in my mind. I knew it was the right thing to do.

I filled page after page until it was enough for a whole book. When I was done, I compiled every secret into a PDF and called it "Insider Secrets To Cheap Flights". This guide is my revenge against the airlines, for sacking me over my lunch break and ripping off their own customers. It's called karma baby!

The confidential information in my guide is only known by those deep inside of the air travel industry.

You will be stunned when you read my guide and realize just how much you have been over paying for your flights all these years. The airlines go absolutely crazy every time this inside information gets used against them.

The Airlines Fight Back...

When Jeff found out about my guide, he warned me that they would come after me with guns blazing. Boy he was right.

The airlines desperately want keep this information out of your hands. I can't be sure how long I will be able to provide this explosive info, before I am hit with legal sanctions by my former employers. The threats and intimidation have already begun. Do not miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity to learn how to save a fortune on all your flights.

I wish I could provide this information to you for free, but if these secrets ever became common knowledge, they would become useless. I guarantee my guide will more than pay for itself with the incredible savings you will realize by using these secret techniques.

Make All Your Travel Dreams A Reality...

If you are planning a vacation, wish you could visit distant family or just want to see the world then my guide is for you. I give you all the essentials on getting cheap flights, tell you the scams to avoid and reveal all of the biggest money saving confidential insider secrets the airlines have threatened me to keep silent about.

Think about all the vacations you could take or the family you could visit, if you knew how to get dirt cheap airfare. When you begin using the insider secrets in this guide, you will be able to make all your travel desires a reality. Flying whenever and wherever you want will absolutely change your life.

Special Note For Non-US Travelers: The inside information in my guide will be extremely valuable to you and will work with any airline around the world. Very large savings can be realized when purchasing expensive international airfare, not just domestic flights in the United States.

Here are just some of the shocking Insider Secrets that I will reveal to you in my guide.

Remember, this confidential information is guaranteed to save you cash every time you fly.

Sneaky Airline Pricing Tricks...

You will see the disgusting practices of airline pricing and how unadvertised taxes and hidden fees can make a deal that looks good into a stinker. I always hated giving people the bad news that their "special fare" included tons of junk fees and taxes that normal fares did not.

You will also gain access to top secret information revealing the times of the week you should search for airfares, to be the very first to take advantage of specials and limited time promotional prices. They would freak out at my old company if they ever knew this information could get into the hands of travelers.

Secret Airfare Search Sequence...

You will learn my secret Sequence to searching for the lowest fares. This mind blowing system alone could save you thousands of dollars. The airlines live in fear that more people will actually learn this incredibly effective search sequence that allows you to get the best deal possible on your airfare.

Avoid The Airline Website Trap...

Learn the upsetting revelation about Airline website trickery and how the best deals are sometimes just below the surface. They are usually missed by most website visitors, but not if you know how to find them.

I will also show you my secret internet browser method you can use to trick airline sites to displaying different deals than you would normally see. This tip would drive the IT department at my old company to madness, if they ever knew people knew about this dirty little secret.

Frequent Flyer Fundamentals...

You will be exposed to the surprising secrets of the airline's frequent flyer programs, and the website that can help you leverage these cryptic programs. Most frequent flyer programs are built on shaky promises, so you need to learn how to get the most out of your hard earned miles.

Also, you will learn my explosive method for turning a bad flight experience into a travel payday. Do not ever let a negative incident with an air carrier go uncompensated. I will tell you the ways to get what is rightfully yours.

Top Secret Money-Saving Techniques...

* You will learn the truth about airline mistakes, and just how much these hidden gems can save you. The airlines are not going to like me telling you about this one. These mistakes usually end up with someone fired, and some lucky travelers saving boatloads of cash.
* You will learn the secrets to "Drop Off Flying", and how you can take advantage of airline pricing schemes to save big. This trick drives up the blood pressures of all the airfare planners at the airliners, because you will be beating them at their own game.
* You will be instructed in the secret method of "Skip It Flying", and how you can actually save more by buying more. This method used to drive my boss nuts, he always said there ought to be a law against this "trick".
* The secretive method of using multiple carriers for your flights will be exposed to you, and how combining sales can save you piles of dough. The airlines absolutely despise this secret money saving technique.

The Best Time To Book To Save Big...

You will be enlightened to the time of the week to absolutely avoid booking airfare, so you do not get gouged by the airlines automatic fare increases. It always blew my mind that the airlines were so despicable as to charge people more just because of the time of week that they booked.

Also, discover the 12 hour window in which nearly every airline will release the very best fare deals, and how to get them before they are gone. The lucky customers that unknowingly call during this time always get some of the best deals imaginable.

The Truth About Travel Agents...

Discover the surprising truth about Travel Agents and why buying online is not always better. Your local travel agent (if you even have one) is still a good resource, and I will tell you why they may become your best friend when looking for deals.

You will also be walked through the secret, exact phrasing you should tell your Travel Agent to get them to find even lower fares for you. Not every agent will automatically keep the lowest price in mind, even when you ask them to, learn the phrasing that will make them do your bidding.

International Pricing Loopholes...

Learn the dirty little secret about One-Way International travel loopholes, and how you could save a fortune by taking advantage of International pricing loopholes. This amazing trick can literally save you thousands of dollars on international travel.

Also, learn about the typically unused special pass available for North American travel, and how it can save you big time. A great trick for anyone coming to America on Holiday.

A Warning About Online Travel Sites...

Discover that not all Travel Discount sites are created equal and what you need to do to avoid being gouged by Third-Party travel booking sites. Just because a site has cheap or discount in its name, does not mean that they really are cheaper, you have to be very careful.

Big Savings For Seniors, Families, Students And More...

* Learn the secrets to saving loads of money when traveling with children and the tricks the airlines might try to use against you and your family.
* The little known websites that can help student travelers save tons of cash on flights to home and for fun.
* The sad truth about the state of senior discounts, and the secret methods for seniors to still save big on air travel. It is very unfortunate that our eldest citizens don't get the respect they deserve from the greedy airlines.
* Finally learn the truth about clergy fares, and the airline's false hopes. It just disgusts me that the airlines would act like this towards men of religion.
* Learn the shocking truth about last-minute fares, and what you need to do to avoid being taking advantage of by so called "last minute deals".

You Need For More Information?? Just Click Here

Monday, November 22, 2010

Spinalonga Island revive as tourist attraction

The island of Spinalonga, a one-time leper colony whose history was recently dramatized as a highly successful television series based on the book 'The Island' by Victoria Hislop, is to reopen as a tourist attraction at weekends after an initiative launched by the municipality of Agios Nikolaos in Lasithi, Crete.

The municipality, local bodies and the 13th Byzantine Monuments ephorate have submitted a series of proposals to the culture and tourism ministry for giving visitors access to the island on a daily basis and are currently awaiting their approval.

The island was closed to visitors due to a lack of staff and will now open at weekends until a more permanent solution is found, as well as to large, organized groups on week days.

Local authorities had stressed that the extra publicity gained by the site due to the popular television series had greatly increased the interest of visitors and keeping the island open would satisfy demand and boost the local economy.

During the Christmas holidays the island will be open daily except on major holidays.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Everything You Need To Know About Canvas Tents

Many camping enthusiasts enjoy the comfort of canvas tents while they are out in the wilderness. The only thing that is certain about nature is that nothing is certain. Canvas tents are durable and can withstand rain and wind much better than standard tents. They are generally well constructed using quality materials and are simple to set up. This is especially beneficial to the most common purposes for canvas tents, which is shelter for hunting and fishing trips.

Canvas tents offer sturdy walls, floor and roofing. They are usually accompanied by metal bars to secure the tent on site. In this instance, you will definitely get what you pay for. Canvas tents offer heavy duty zippers and high walls and ceilings. They are designed for the most comfort in camping by offering wilderness buffs an opportunity to stand up, walk around, stretch out or even sit down in a chair and relax. The high ceilings provide additional comfort to campers while also providing extra headroom. This comes in very handy, especially for the taller individual.

When shopping for canvas tents, it's a good idea to decide on a budget before you start browsing. If you know how much money you can spend, then you will be better prepared to make a decision and will be less likely to overspend. After all, you will need to save some money for the additional camping supplies that you will want to take along for the trip. It's always a good idea to work out a reasonable budget anytime before you make a substantial investment. When shopping around, keep in mind that canvas tents are more expensive than other models and can be priced at several hundred dollars each. For a model with more features, they can cost as much as $1,000.00 or slightly more.

There are a few bonus features to look for in canvas tents, including the presence of a back door to allow more air to circulate during the warm summer months and a tent bag for convenient storage and transportation. If possible, purchase a white canvas tent because the white color reflects light inside much better than colored tents. Before making a final decision, you may want to consider the weight factor. Larger tents are much heavier and can be more difficult to set up but, if that's what you need, then go for it. If a smaller lightweight tent will work for you, then consider that option as well.

Canvas tents are more expensive, but they are a true investment. A quality product, with proper care and maintenance, should last for up to 20 years or more. Now, that's a lot of camping.