Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wonderful Tourist spot in Morocco

Tourism in Morocco's top priority, King Mohammed VI has said. In 2001, the king announced Vision 2010, a new national tourism strategy for the north African country designed to support and accelerate the development of the travel industry.

International visitation to Morocco has increased substantially as a result of the programmed and policies including the liberalization of air transport and stronger promotional campaigns.

Foreign tourist arrivals have almost doubled in less than a decade and are expected to reach 9.3m this year.

In an address to King Mohammed VI, UN World Tourism Organization secretary-general Taleb Rifai said the figures highlight the 'striking success' of the country's approach to the industry.

The continuation of this policy with the "Vision 2020" is an opportunity to consolidate the achievements of the last decade, consider the lessons learned and continue maximizing tourism's contribution to the prosperity of Morocco and its people.

Travelers’ interested in visiting Morocco can catch flights to Marrakech.

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